Working Group on General Conditions of Sale of Goods 销售货物的一般性条件问题工作组
Also enclosed you will find details of our conditions of sale and term of payment. 兹附上你们所要求的商品目录和价目表,并附上我们的售货条件和付款方式。
Note: you buy a house with the conditions of sale? 须知:您要买的房子具备销售条件吗?
Neither distributor's standard conditions of purchase nor any terms or conditions in any order forms or other documents prepared by Distributor shall apply to the sale of the products by supplier to distributor. 经销商自己的标准购货条件,或由经销商起草的任何订单或其他文件中的任何条款或条件,都不适用于供应商向经销商销售经销产品。
We also enclose detail of our terms and conditions of sale. 此外,亦附上我们的详细情况及销售状况。
Note: Please refer to our standard terms and conditions of sale, copies available on request. 注:请参阅我们的标准条款和条件出售,提供副本的要求。
Christie's conditions of sale lay out a number of solutions should a buyer not pay, including taking legal action, cancelling the sale or re-offering the item. 如果买家不付款的话,佳士得的拍卖规则提出了许多解决方案,包括采取法律行动,取消拍卖或重新进行拍卖。
In the event of conflict between any of the special conditions of sale with the general conditions of sale, the special conditions of sale shall prevail. 如果特别拍卖条款与一般拍卖条款的内容出现矛盾之处,则以特别拍卖条款内的指定为准。
The terms and conditions of the agreement provide that the licensees would furnish information relating to production, manufacture and sale of Darjeeling tea through auction or otherwise. 协议的条款和条件规定,被许可方须提交与大吉岭茶的生产、加工以及通过拍卖或其他方式销售相关的各种信息。
The "General Terms and Conditions" of sale specified in the back sheet annexed hereto which form the integral part of this Contract. 合同后面“一般交易条款”为本合同不可分割的一部分。
Interested parties should refer to the respective conditions of sale for the full details. 各地段的详情,请查阅有关卖地条件。
Real estate agent intermediary service agencies can not meet the conditions of sale of commercial housing sales? 房地产中介服务机构可以代理销售不符合销售条件的商品房吗?
As requested, we are enclosing a copy of our current pricelist along with details of our conditions of sale and terms of payment. 现遵嘱将最新的价目单一份,连同我方销售条件与付款方式等详细资料随函寄上。
The coupon rate is determined largely by market conditions at the time of the bond's sale. These shares return a good rate of interest. 票面利率通常是在发售债券时根据市场状况定下的,而且在债券有效期间是固定的。这些股票利率很高。
The Comparing Research of Additional Conditions of Acceptance& The variation from section 2-207 of Uniform Commercial Code, USA to section 19 of United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods 承诺附加条件之比较研究&谈从《美国统一商法典》第2-207条到《国际货物销售合同公约》第19条发生的变异
Emission trading is a trading mechanism under conditions of total control. In the sale, the party buy and sale reduction credits. The mechanism is an important innovation to address climate change. 排放权交易是在总量控制的条件下,合同双方买卖减排额度的一种市场交易机制,是应对气候变化的一种重要手段。
Shanghai government educates all ranks based on its own conditions. First of all, the suburbs of Shanghai set up institutions and put in a lot of manpower, materials for the purchase and sale movement. 上海结合自身的情况,对上海郊区各阶层进行了教育。首先,上海郊区针对统购统销成立了机构组织,配备了大量的人力、物力。
Although the room without conditions for authorized, the contract of sale of house is valid, and the contract right exists, the buyer could request the certificate for the housing property according to contract. 虽然涉案房屋暂时不具备办理房权证的条件,但房屋买卖合同是有效的,购房人的合同权利存在,购房人有依据合同约定要求卖房人为其办理房屋产权证书的权利。
The sustainable growth of enterprises is not an increase in foreign equity capital, operational efficiency and financial policies remain unchanged under the conditions of the sale of the company to achieve growth. 企业的可持续增长是指在不增加外来股权资本,经营效率和财务政策不变的条件下公司销售所能达到的增长。